Inefficient State as an Obstacle to Economic Development
Mr. Marek Dombrowski Center for Social and Economic Research (CASE), Warsaw Conception
Why Russia needs Reforms in Social Policy?
Mr. Vladimir Drebentsov World bank, Department for Russia (Moscow) Conception
The Review and Prospects of Reforms in the Russian Federation
Mr. Mikhail Dmitriev Centre for Strategic Research Foundation (Moscow) Conception
Trends of Reforms in Financing Public Health and Education
Mr. Sergej Shishkin Independent Institute of Social Policy (Moscow) Conception
Review of Reforms of Natural Monopolies in Russia
Mr. Vladimir Milov Institute of Energy Policy (Moscow) Conception
Problems of Implementing the Reform of Local Self-Administration in selected regions of the Russian Federation
Instutute for Urban Economics (Moscow) Instutute for Urban Economics (Moscow) Conception
The Government Services: demand for institutions
Mrs. Svetlana Makovetskaya Institute of the Public Contract National Project (Moscow) Conception
Customs Regulation: Assistance to Economic Development or to Corruption
Mrs. Ksenia Yudaeva Moscow Carnegie Center Conception
Political Economy of Judicial System
Mr. Vitaly Tambovtsev Moscow State University Conception
The Ideals of the Constitutional Economy and the Russian Reality
Mr. Andrej Zaostrovtsev Leontief Centre (St.-Petersburg) Conception
Spatial Development Tasks in Russia
Mr. Yury Perelygin Department of regional social and economic development and territorial planning, RF Ministry of regional development Conception
Development of the Public Planning System in St.-Petersburg
Mr. Alexander Ivannikov St.-Petersburg Government, Committee for economic development, industrial policy and trade Conception
Features of Development and Substantiation of the New Master Plan for St.-Petersburg
Mr. Victor Polishchuk St.-Petersburg Government, Committee for Urban-planning and Architecture
Structure of the Oblast Economy and the Forecast of Development (the example of Samarskaya oblast)
Mr. Leonid Grigorjev Association of Russian Economic Think Tanks (Moscow), Mrs. Julia Urozhaeva, Foundation «Institute of Energy and Finances» (Moscow) Conception
Characteristics of Development of New General Plan for St. Petersburg in Present Conditions
Mr. Vladimir Avrutin St. Petersburg Institute of Urban Planning (NIPIGrad)